Our Lady and St Cuthberts Church 125th Anniversary
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Parishioners of Our Lady and St Cuthberts Church in Maybole with special guests the Bishop of Galloway, the Rt Rev Maurice Taylor, and former parish priests.  Click on the images below to view them full size.

 Fr Archie Brown, Monsignor Stephen Kennedy, Canon Eugene Mathews, Bishop Maurice Taylor and Fr Jim Hayes.

Bishop Taylor and Fr. Jim Hayes with children.

Bishop Taylor and parishioners.

PARISHIONERS of Our Lady and St Cuthberts Church in Maybole marked the 125th anniversary of the church building's opening in 1878. Special guests were the Bishop of Galloway, the Rt Rev Maurice Taylor, and former parish priests Canon Eugene Mathews (1963-67), Monsignor Stephen Kennedy (1983-85), and Fr Archie Brown (1985-92). Bishop Taylor and the other priests were welcomed by David Kiltie, chairman of the parish pastoral council. Parish priest Fr Jim Hayes, in his sermon, spoke of various world events of the late 19th century to put the opening of the church into context. For the history of the church corresponds with the restoration of the Catholic hierarchy to Scotland, more than 300 hundred years after the Reformation. The first bishop of the new diocese of Galloway in 1878 was the Rt Rev John McLachlan and his first public official duty was to open the Maybole church on June 17 of that year.

Bishop Taylor, in his talk, said: "This is a good parish with good theology. You know what a parish community should be, and you have been willing to become involved in the diocesan plan for embracing the future. You are being realistic and your preparation will stand you in good stead." The Bishop added: "Be brave, take risks, launch out in to the deep. We thank God for the past 125 years and for the vibrant Christian faith which is so obvious here. "I wish you well, and may God continue to bless you with faith, hope and love." The Bishop had not been able to attend the recent First Communion and Confirmation services, and he took the opportunity during the anniversary Mass to present those children with a small gift each. He was assisted by Nicole Currie, of St Cuthbert s Primary, who is this year's Queen of Carrick. A social evening followed the service, with a video of past events and old photographs on display in the church hall. Fr Hayes described the celebrations as 'super' and thanked everyone who had put in so much effort and time with the church, the liturgy and the hall.
(Ayrshire Post - July 4th 2003)

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