Doors Open Day at St Oswald's
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Doors Open Day at St Oswald’s


The doors to the Lord’s house are always open, but in this age of security they are not always unlocked.  On Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th September St Oswald’s unlocked its doors to all.  Cards intimating notice of the event were delivered to approximately 1000 houses in Maybole and people came.


The attendance on Saturday was low with approximately 10 visitors. However, it was still lovely to welcome new faces to the church and then to direct them to the hall where they could read about the history of St Oswald’s and chat to members of the congregation who were serving refreshments.


On Sunday, the official Doors Open Day, we welcomed so many more (approx 25) through the doors including quite a few children who came unaccompanied and were genuinely interested.  Below are some extracts of the comments written in the Visitors Book.


“memories of childhood, found details of baptism of relative and Bible in memory of great uncle, lovely church and friendly welcome”

“beautiful simplicity, will come back”

“lifetime of fond memories”

“I have been before but it is lovely”

“lovely atmosphere and welcoming”

“wanted to visit for ages, thanks for opportunity – lovely”


The Visitors Book remains at the back of the church.  What is evident from all the comments is how friendly and welcoming we are.  If we can take that friendly welcome out into our wider community and encourage others and tell them that every Sunday and Thursday is Doors Open Day, then maybe we can grow as a church and in our Christian community.


A big vote of thanks goes to all those who assisted in the organisation and smooth running of the Doors Open event.  Happily we have already welcomed one of our visitors to a Sunday service.


(Ruth Blakley)