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Carrick Academy as seen from Culzean Road

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I found this photo of Carrick Academy XV - 1980 in the attic. I'd recorded the names of the players at the time and I'm sure many will still be living in the area. I don't think we'd fair very well against the current team though! That's me, Eric Mair, second from the right on the front row.  Full size image

Back Row- Stuart Young, David McCracken, James Souter, Derek McCulloch, Ross Milligan, Douglas Lobban, ? Smith Front Row- Andrew Currie, John White, Ronnie McGawn, Jim Brown, Michael Webster, Eric Mair, David Skilling

(June 2008) Pupils at Carrick Academy have been involved in a very unique project funded by Heritage Lottery Fund and run by May-Tag Ltd with the support of Maybole Community Council and Maybole Historical Society.The past couple of months have seen the young people working with professionals to form a ‘Young Roots’ production team with the objective of producing a DVD that will help them to understand and share the story of their roots. more

The school show Disco Inferno was a great success. It took place over three nights from the 19th to the 21st of June at the town Hall. A lot of hard work was put into the show not only by cast members but also by staff and pupils helping behind the scenes. A big thanks to you all! The show was enjoyed by all so we took the opportunity to speak to some of the pupils who saw the show to get their views.  One pupil claimed, “It was the best show I have ever seen. I was dancing and singing along all night!” Hopefully the excellent shows will continue in years to come thanks to our music department and talented pupils. photos

The third year XL group at Carrick Academy recently had a tour of Maybole Castle as part of their Community Awareness Module.  The group have been finding out about various facilities within the town such as Signposts, Maybole Access Point and Maybole Resource Centre but also wanted to find out a bit about their local history. Everyone enjoyed the tour, which was conducted by David Kiltie and Dave Killicoat, and were particularly interested to hear about the various ghosts that inhabit the castle!  more

“Survive Christmas” was the name of a well attended drop in project held for pupils of Carrick Academy.  There was plenty of advice and freebies available as well as some novel ways of getting the message across. Pupils could try on beer goggles which created the effect of how alcohol can affect the senses and wearing the glasses pupils tried to drive a model car, open a door by inserting a key in a lock, using a bank card, building blocks and walk in a straight line. more  (Christmas 2004)

Carrick Academy. This years Cross country was split into 8 races, four boys races and four girls races the results are as follows. S1 boys 1st Kyle Faulds  S1 girls 1st Kayleigh Brown  S2 boys 1st Colin Sturgeon  S2 girls 1st Kirsty Walker  S3 boys 1st Alan Murphy  S3 girls 1st Elaine Montgomery  S4/5/6 boys 1st John Gilmour  S4/5/6 girls 1st Laura McCulloch  There was a record number of participants, each pupil that took part gained  house points and thankfully we experienced dry and bright weather throughout  the day. Jed Boden is in the wheelchair, he helped by starting some of the races. Ayshire Post October 2003.

The Inspector - by George Davidson. "Really great teachers are rare and it is a privilege to have been taught by one. His name was George Johnston, a short stocky man with a gruff voice.  His favourite saying was –You! This was normally shouted at the top of his voice.  He had the uncanny knack of making everyone within earshot believe he was speaking only to them." The rest of the story.

The Music Teacher - by George Davidson. "In the early fifties when some new fangled ideas were beginning to creep into education, music hit the curriculum like a great crescendo from a Beethoven symphony.  It was only a matter of time before the class of ‘c’ were exposed to this bit of culture.  Some years before an eccentric lady had exposed me to the art form in the primary school.  Her name was Miss Patterson". The rest of the story.

LITTLE bit of rain never hurt anyone! That was the philosophy pupils of Carrick Academy had to cling to as they set off in a fun run. But it turned out to be a LOT of rain for many of the 270-plus pupils who took part in the fundraiser on Friday! more

Robert Meiklejohn. If ever a man deserved the  recognition of the local community, it is this man. He epitomises courage,  strength and endeavour. He will forever be remembered by his ex-pupils at  Carrick Academy.  Read the story by Kenny Crawford and other tributes here


October 2003

September 2002

August 2002


Class of 1946 in 1992

And again in April 2003

Scott Crawford

SCOTT Crawford is set to be the first Carrick Academy pupil in 40 years to land a place at Oxford University. The bright pupil has the choice of six universities who would love to have him.  more

Caroline Galloway

She's only 25 but already flying high in her career. Former Carrick Academy pupil Caroline Galloway is commercial director of Air Charter Corporation (ACC) more

Class photos from years gone by.  Click on the image to the left to view these photos.

Carrick Academy Staff from the years 1930, 1946, 1950, 1956, 1960 and 1964. Click on the image to the left to view these images and names of the staff.

Can you tell us more about this photograph? It is from a play at Carrick Academy in 1955. Contributed by Bill McCubbin.  Click on the image  to view photo full size.

Photos from the school magazine, years 1961 - 1971.  Contributed by Jim Millar.

Brigadoon: Presented in Maybole Town Hall June 17-19 1975. The programme lists the names of all involved in the production. How many names and faces can you match?  Photos and programme contributed by Alistair Hastings.

Two plays presented about 1955-56. Photos with names  - contributed by Agnes Wightman (nee McGarvie) with the assistance of her brother Alex McGarvie.

"Teachers" versus the "Pupils" game of rugby  was held at the Academy in 1977. Unlike the previous year, the pupils on this occasion, were well and truly thrashed. Mind you not all the teachers team were actually teachers.

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Ayrshire Post 9-5-1999

From Classroom to Court to Learn about Catering. Carrick Academy Fifth Year pupils had the red carpet rolled out for them at Malin Court.

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Carrick Academy Dinner Ladies circa. 1950. ...The function of the ladies would be to serve lunch to pupils and staff as required. 

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Carrick Academy prefects at Crossraguel Abbey 18 June 1959. Click on the image to the left to view the full size photo. Contributed by Celia (Jauncey) Dancer.

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They will never be forgotten
Two Carrick Academy pupils lay a wreath at Maybole War Memorial on Sunday morning.

Ayrshire Post 11-19-1999

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Ayrshire Post 10-13-2000

Carrick and Girvan Academy pupils got the chance to see what a career in  tourism involves, with visits to Culzean, Malin Court and Turnberry.

Click here to view a larger image.

The School Crest at left drawn by former pupil Robert Kennedy McEwen.

Click here to view full size.

Carrick Academy stone laid in 1925. Photo contributed by
Alistair Hastings. Click on the image to view full size.

A small bit of history from the Nov 1925 edition of the school newspaper. Humour it seems has no age. Contributed by Jean McCrindle.


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