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Ayrshire Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & Co

Is a thriving and considerable village, the capital of the parish of its name, in the district of Kyle; 50 miles wsw from Edinburgh, 30 s from Glasgow, 26 e by n from Ayr, 24 se from Kilmarnock, and 16 nw from Sanquhar; situate near the right bank of the water of Ayr, at the junction of the roads leading from Glasgow to Dumfries, and from Edinburgh to Ayr; and in a district rude and bleak, the land being but partially reclaimed from its original mossy and moorish character; another considerable portion is, however, profitably employed in grazing and pasture, and in 1835, the black-faced sheep fed in this parish carried the Highland Society's prize. Though nature has not here been bountiful to the farmer, or encouraged the labours of the agriculturist, she has been abundantly kind to the miner, for coal, iron and limestone are liberally dispensed throughout the territory. At the "Muirkirk Iron Company's works are three blast furnaces, constantly in operation, for the manufacture of pig-iron; the malleable description is also produced here, both in rolled and hammered state. There are, besides, extensive tile and lime works, belonging to the Duke of Portland, who, with Lord Douglas and the Hon. Colonel Catheart, are the principal proprietors of the land in this parish. Its length is nine miles, by an average breadth of about six; bounded on the north-east by Douglas, on the east by Kirkconnel, on the south by Cumnock, and on the west by Loudon. In the village are two libraries, which are well conducted, and the like number of good Inns - the "Black Bull" and the "Masons Arms". Fairs are held in the months of July, August, and December. 

Post Office, Adam McCaul, Post Master - The English and south letters arrive (from Douglas) every afternoon at half past one, and are despatched every morning at half past eight - Letters from Kilmarnock arrive every morning at half past eight, and are despatched every afternoon at half past one.

Aird, Alexander, esq. of Crossflatt
Aird, Rev. john
Allison, Andrew, esq. of Tardoors
Brown, Wm. esq. of Greenockmains
Officer, Mr William
Pearson, Mr William, Muirkirk
Symington, Rev. James, Manse

Begg, Margaret
Gigson, James
Johnstone, John
Kay, Robert, (Black Bull)
Taylor, Samuel
Thomson, Archibald, (Mason's Arms)

Callum, Robert
Iron Works Company School, William Brydon, master
Johnston, William
McCarthy, James
Muir, James

Aird, William, miller and sawyer
Bailey, Margaret, dress maker
Begg, John, smith and farrier
Blackwood, James, joiner
Blackwood, Marion, dress maker
Brown and Wilson, stone masons
Brydon, Thomas, shopkeeper
Dollan, Margaret, draper
Ferguson, John, manager of colleries
Fletcher, Janet and Ann, millners and dress makers
Forrest, John, shopkeeper
Gibson, James, shopkeeper
Gibson, Margaret, dress maker
Gray, David, surgeon
Hamilton, Andrew, draper
Harkness, James, boot & shoe maker
Holm, David, tailor
Lapraik, John, cooper
Lennox, Margaret, dress maker
McCaul, Adam, merchant and stamp distributor
McClonnachan, John, shoe maker
McGhee, Margaret, dress maker
McKerrow, John, ironmonger
Meikle, James, blacksmith
Muir, Joseph, grocer & spirit dealer
Muirkirk Iron Company, Thomas Carswell and William Falconer, resident partners
Reid, Alexander, tailor
Robertson, Daniel, draper
Robertson, John, tailor
Smith, Hugh, boot and shoe maker
Smith, James, boot and shoe maker
Smith, Wm., boot and shoe maker
Swinton, John, joiner and glazier
Taylor, Samuel, shopkeeper
Telford, Thomas, tailor
Thomson, Robert, grocer
Thomson, William, tailor
Whyte, James, manager of the Duke of Portland's tile &c works
Whyte, Thomas, baker and joiner

To Ayr, John Lambie, from the Black Bull every Monday and Thursday
To Cumnock (Old), John Kerr, from the Black Bull, every Tuesday and Friday, and Robert Latts every Thursday
To Edinburgh, Robert Latts, every Saturday
To Glasgow, James Ronald, from his house, every Monday and Thursday
To Kilmarnock, John Kerr, from the Black Bull, every Tuesday and Friday
To Ochiltree, John Lambie, from the Black Bull, every Monday and Thursday

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.