Maybole Gala 2010
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Scenes from Maybole's 2010 Gala held June 20th. Photos by Tony Kerrigan.  Photos of King, Queen and attendants

Maybole celebrated its annual gala day in brilliant sunshine on Sunday, June 20. Maybole Pipe Band led the traditional parade from Carrick Academy to Glebe Park. They were followed by members of the Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, the royal party, VIPs and several very colourful walking groups from schools and organisations in the town.


At the Glebe Park, David Kiltie introduced the dignitaries and the gala was officially opened by Councillor Marie Low then Robert McEwan crowned King of Carrick by Cathy Jamieson MSP and Alix Anderson was crowned Queen by Adam Ingram MSP. The young king and queen are both pupils of Cairn Primary, and their attendants were Chris Parkin and Rebecca McBride of Gardenrose Primary, and Zak Roy and Ciera Campbell of St Cuthbert’s Primary.


Sandra Osborne MP presented gifts to all of them to mark their special day. Also attending the event were Councillors Ann Galbraith and Sandra Goldie and all of the VIPs had a difficult choice in judging the best walking group and the various fancy dress competitions.


Magic Malky then took over as master of ceremonies and soon had the young people joining in the fun with the older folks sitting enjoying the sun and smiling along with Malky’s individual humour.


Musical entertainment was provided by Maybole Pipe Band, the Tuesday Night Girls and dancing by pupils of the Chi-Kaz School of Dance, Maybole Majorettes and Dance School, the Aileen Robertson School of Highland Dancing, and the Y Group.


With more stalls than in some previous years, the organising committee of Maybole Community Association were extremely pleased with how the day had gone. With almost a brand new committee having to be formed they felt that all their hard work was worthwhile. They would like to thank everyone who took part in making sure the gala ran so well.