Minutes of the Maybole Ragged School - Page 37
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until the arrears due be paid up.

Margaret Reid owes 1/-. She was present but could not say when she could pay anything. Farther consideration delayed until meeting. This is the second time Margaret Reid has fallen into arrear.

Mary Laidlaw owes 8d. Farther consideration delayed until next meeting. The Revd Mr Thomson to enquire into the circumstances.

Maybole, 15 January 1852

 Present Mr Gibson Mr Murdoch Mr Brown Jas. M Thomson

Margaret McGowan has a boy aged 111/2 years whom she wishes to be received into the School for education - and will pay 2d per week.

The case of Mrs Bonnar for the education and food of her two boys, John and William aged 10 and 81/2 (see Note Book) was taken up and considered. The boys present. Agreed that if Barclay Connelly give food and bed the Institution will give education and the boys are desired to come up this evening with Connelly to speak to the teacher.