November 2004
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November 26th 2004

Maybole’s Christmas lights will be switched on at 5.45pm on Friday November 26 and the good news is that there will be a disco for primary school pupils afterwards in the Town Hall. more

Dorothy Roddie, Karen Sutherland, Helen Sloan and Ian Sloan

Last week a cheque for £1,330 was presented to Karen Sutherland, an advisor with the Scottish Huntington’s Association. The money was raised by Helen and Ian Sloan at a recent dance ....more

It was more or less status quo when Maybole Town Twinning Association held its AGM recently. All the main office bearers were re-elected and chairman William Grant thanked all of them for their work over the past year. Brochures about the twinning had been printed and sent to past members as well as being distributed to the library, town hall and surrounding villages. There had been little response, unfortunately. Last New Year the Association had held a successful cheese and wine where people had the opportunity to see many twinning photographs from the past few years. more

Bride: Christine Lothian. Groom: Wayne Hall. Maybole girl Christine Lothian married Wayne Hall recently in the amphitheatre of Lake McDonald Botanical Gardens in Cooroy Hinterland, Queensland, Australia. Christine emailed these photos and told us “We both currently live and work in Dhahran Saudi Arabia (myself as a medical secretary for Saudi Aramco for nearly four years and Wayne as an Engineer for British Aerospace for 6 years).”... more

Maybole Council of Churches have issued details of events they have planned for the Festive season. These include: the Carol Service in the Town Hall on Tuesday 14th December from 7-9pm. and a Christmas party for the children 23rd Dec. in the West Parish Hall from 4 -6pm.

The Second Hand Bookshop at Culzean has been doing very well and they desperately need more, according to Mike Shafer of the National Trust. He said, “We are open every weekend  ...more

Several traffic issues in Maybole are to be raised with South Ayrshire Council by Maybole Community Council’s General Purposes Committee. These include: traffic calming on all entrances ...  more

Memorial Park Bowling Club held its annual dance in the clubhouse last weekend. A good turn out of members thoroughly enjoyed the evening and trophies presented were: more

Cathy Jamieson MSP will be holding a ‘meet the community group coffee morning’ in Maybole Resource Centre on Friday 10 December from 10.00 until midday.  more

November 19th 2004

Three year olds at Gardenrose Nursery wished everyone Happy Divali last week when they celebrated the Indian Festival of Light. The children made diva lamps, had an Indian snack and learned some Indian dancing.

Parishioners of St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole were surprised to hear at the weekend that their popular priest Fr Jim Hayes would be leaving them and even more surprised to hear that this coming weekend will be his last in the parish. more

Carrick Chess Club has now played two rounds in the Ayrshire league’s 2nd division. The first match was won by Largs 4 - 2. Siegrun Macgilchrist, Stuart Lampard, Charlie Roy and Athol Macgilchrist lost on boards 1 -4’ Alastair Muirhead and Ali Roy won on boards 5 and 6.more

Maybole remembered its war dead with two services last week. On Thursday November 11 at 11am there was the traditional two minutes silence during a service led by Rev Arrick Wilkinson. This service was attended by the Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland and several other local organisations and all schools. more

Last week two members of the Tackety Bit Club went to Kinlochleven where they climbed Garbh Bheinn on what was a good warm day with great views especially of the back of the Aonach Eagach. The next day they started from the Kingshouse Hotel and went onto Beinn a Chrulaiste. It started off sunny but turned to heavy hail and snow on the summit but again they had some great views of the weather moving across the Glen Coe hills. more

Club captain Ricky Scott congratulated club champion Scott McCahill at the annual presentation dance last Saturday evening and presented him with the J Faulds Trophy. Runner up in the scratch competition was K Ward and the winner of the handicap competition was G McCulloch. more

Although Maybole castle is not officially open again to visitors until the spring, Maybole Historical Society is continuing to average a couple of groups a week who ask for a special tour. Members are more than happy to provide these if they can possibly manage it more

The Scottish winners of the 2004 National Training Awards were announced at a ceremony in Glasgow on November 11. There were three levels of awards on the night: more
Community Education Service & Workers’ Educational Association have arranged a course on Committee Skills Training for Sunday 28th November 2004 in the Carnegie Building, Maybole from 10.00am—4.00pm. Childcare can be made available subject to demand and the course is FREE. more

November 12th 2004

Alex Neil MSP and prizewinners

Alex Lothian, President of Carrick & District Homing Society told members that the past year had in many ways been a good one but there had been difficulties over problems with birds of prey. His special guest at the annual prize dance was Alex Neil MSP who chaired a working group which oversaw a study into the problem.  more

Alex Lothian President of Carrick & District Homing Society thanks Alex Neil MSP for his help

This year’s Remembrance services in Maybole begin on Thursday November 11 at the Greenside at 11am. Everyone is welcome to attend this service which has being growing in the numbers that attend over the few years since it started. Remembrance Sunday is November 14 more

The November meeting of Maybole Historical Society was addressed by Marion Stewart, the Dumfries and Galloway archivist. In a witty and highly informative talk, she trawled through the archives of Dumfries and Galloway, selecting incidents that were sometimes amusing... more
Pupils (wee chap at the back looks really delighted to have  finished!)

Pupils at Gardenrose Primary School took part in a sponsored marathon on Monday to raise money for school funds. Nursery children were raising money  for their funds, too.  Even the staff got into the act.

Pupils stop for water

Alan Martin, chairman of Maybole and District Business Association, has written to all local businesses inviting them to join or renew their membership. In his letter, he wrote, “The group exists for a number of reasons but is primarily in existence to ensure the voice of local business is heard more

Members of Maybole OAP Association will be making a trip to the Gaiety this year to see the pantomime “Snow White” on Wednesday December 1. The cost is £5 which includes transport and names of those who would like to go will be taken at the Town Hall on November 17 from 11am to 12 noon.

November 5th 2004

left to right Chris Griffin youth support worker; Rodger Stewart, Carrick Academy head  teacher; Isabel Johnstone, depute head; Sina Currie, school nurse; Sammi Clark, depute head girl, Chelsea Henderson, competition winner; Neil  Wilson, depute head boy; Mary Jeans, school nurse; Carol George, Community  Education; Karen Walker, Integrated Community Schools Development Worker; June Milne, public health nurse for schools; Ian Thornton, community  policeman; Yvonne Kiltie, Community Education; and Margaret Burns, acting  principal officer Community Education.

A new drop-in facility for young people in North Carrick was opened in Maybole on Monday November 1 by Mrs Isabel Johnstone, depute head teacher of Carrick Academy. Based in the ‘Over The Rainbow’ premises in the School Vennel the new facility will be open on Mondays during lunch breaks from 12.50 – 13.30. more

School nurse Sina Currie and Mrs Isabel Johnstone congratulate

The picture is of prize winners present on the evening.

This years Carrick Speakers Golf Club presentation of trophies was held in the Carrick Sports Club on Saturday 30th October and trophies were presented by Maria Newlands, wife of club captain Les Newlands. Some very fine performances throughout the year were reflected in the number of multiple trophy winners more

An enthusiastic group of parents have joined together to form a new Parent Teacher Association at Carrick Academy. At their very first meeting they decided to help the school to buy new football and rugby strips and recently they held a sponsored event involving pupils from S1 and S2. more

There will be no fireworks display in Maybole this as the Community Association is unable to continue its operations yet due to lack of interest. At its AGM not enough people attended so no office bearers could be elected  more

Maybole & District Committee for Cancer Research wish to thank everyone who supported their coffee morning, in Maybole Town Hall, on Sat.30th.Oct. The magnificent sum of £2,615.38 was raised and this will be forwarded to be used in research.

The complete text of the headlines above follows.

November 26th 2004

Maybole’s Christmas lights will be switched on at 5.45pm on Friday November 26 and the good news is that there will be a disco for primary school pupils afterwards in the Town Hall. Co-ordination of the evening is shared by local police, South Ayrshire Council, the community council, the community association and the Round Table.

With the Community Association having difficulties with membership it was feared that the family disco would be dropped. Now, however, the organisers of the Welltrees Holiday Club and the community wardens have offered their help to steward the event with Brian Jamieson providing the music. Led by Maybole Pipe Band, Santa’s sleigh will carry the dignitaries from the Carnegie Library to the Town Hall and the disco will start after the big switch on for an hour.

Another event which was under threat is the Christmas Bazaar but again there has been the offer of help and this year a coffee morning plus a smaller bazaar will be organised by the local branch of the Save the Children charity. This will be held on Saturday December 4 from 10am till 12 noon and groups who would like to have a stall should contact Becky Fleming on 882106.

The Community Association is going ahead with its Pantomime “Robin Hood” which will be held in the Town Hall on Friday December 10. Tickets are £3 and are available from the Town Hall, committee members and June Dunlop’s Florist shop in the High Street. The following day Saturday December 11 Santa will be in the Charity Shop from 10am till 1pm. A public meeting to discuss the future of the Community Association will be held in the Town Hall on Monday January 31, 2005.

Last week a cheque for £1,330 was presented to Karen Sutherland, an advisor with the Scottish Huntington’s Association. The money was raised by Helen and Ian Sloan at a recent dance and they were delighted with the amount they raised. They would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way to their efforts.

Karen said she was very pleased to accept the cheque and in turn thanked Ellen and Ian for thinking of the SHA. Huntington's disease is a hereditary disorder of the central nervous system affecting males and females equally. The Scottish Huntington's Association offers a support network to those affected by the disease and its trained advisors offer specialist information, support and practical help to individuals affected and their carers.

It was more or less status quo when Maybole Town Twinning Association held its AGM recently. All the main office bearers were re-elected and chairman William Grant thanked all of them for their work over the past year. Brochures about the twinning had been printed and sent to past members as well as being distributed to the library, town hall and surrounding villages. There had been little response, unfortunately. Last New Year the Association had held a successful cheese and wine where people had the opportunity to see many twinning photographs from the past few years. Mr Grant feels that this may be the way to go to interest people.


He recounted that at the end of May a good number of twinners headed to Crosne where among the highlights of the weekend were the visit to Montmartre; celebrating the 40th anniversary of twinning between Crosne, Beloeil and Schotten; and celebrating the 100 years of the Entente Cordiale. He also pointed out that he had noticed that as from next year Globespan are flying direct to Orly Airport, which is only about 30 minutes from Crosne which would be better than Beauvais as it is much closer to Crosne.


Seven of the membership had also attended a wine tasting night organised by Ayr Town Twinning which was very enjoyable. Next year Maybole is due a visit from Crosne twinners and Mr Grant emphasised that local hosts are essential. He added that the Association continues to be actively involved in the South Ayrshire Joint Twinning forum, which is under the chairmanship of Provost Gordon McKenzie. He added, “We thank the Provost and South Ayrshire Council for their continued enthusiasm for twinning and funding. We also thank the European Commission for funding.”

Maybole Council of Churches have issued details of events they have planned for the Festive season. These include: the Carol Service in the Town Hall on Tuesday 14th December from 7-9pm. and a Christmas party for the children 23rd Dec. in the West Parish Hall from 4 -6pm.

Bride: Christine Lothian. Groom: Wayne Hall. Maybole girl Christine Lothian married Wayne Hall recently in the amphitheatre of Lake McDonald Botanical Gardens in Cooroy Hinterland, Queensland, Australia. Christine emailed these photos and told us, “We both currently live and work in Dhahran Saudi Arabia (myself as a medical secretary for Saudi Aramco for nearly four years and Wayne as an Engineer for British Aerospace for 6 years).” The couple met in Saudi and Wayne is originally from Noosa in Queensland Australia and they plan, after a few years, to live there. Christine’s mum, Vera, dad, Alex, her sister Kerry, her boyfriend John, nieces Amy and Abbie, and her Aunt Liz travelled to Australia for the wedding and for a holiday.

The Second Hand Bookshop at Culzean has been doing very well and they desperately need more, according to Mike Shafer of the National Trust. He said, “We are open every weekend and the Visitor Centre is where the Book Shop is so people who would like to donate any books to us can bring them in anytime between 11-4pm.” “All the money raised by this,” he added, “is put back into the property which helps The National Trust for Scotland maintain Culzean. This is the most wonderful place and every contribution is its upkeep is welcome.”

Several traffic issues in Maybole are to be raised with South Ayrshire Council by Maybole Community Council’s General Purposes Committee. These include: traffic calming on all entrances to the town; Welltrees Street; exit at Dunlop Terrace; parking issues at the top of Coral Glen; right of way issue at Cargill Road; the possibility of Carrick Street and Millar Street being made one way; Ladywell Road disabled bay and parking issues; and improved signage for the High Street pedestrian crossing.

Cathy Jamieson MSP will be holding a ‘meet the community group coffee morning’ in Maybole Resource Centre on Friday 10 December from 10.00 until midday. Local groups who would like to meet Cathy are welcome to go along between 10.00 am and 11.00 am. Any group that would like to discuss a matter in private can arrange a time 11.00 am and noon. They are asked to contact the Resource Centre, 48-50 High Street (884022) to book a suitable time. The centre is available for local groups to meet, use facilities and for training. If you feel your group could benefit from an evening course on poster designing, leaflets, Internet access, or anything else contact them us to discuss what is available.

Memorial Park Bowling Club held its annual dance in the clubhouse last weekend. A good turn out of members thoroughly enjoyed the evening and trophies presented were:


Trophy                                        Winner                         Runner up


Gents Championship                C Kincaid                     A McFadzean

Ladies Championship               A McIntyre                  J McMasters

Archie Kidd Trophy                 A McFadzean              J Ramage

Julie Trophy                              M Miller                       J McMasters

Nan McDonald Trophy           M Miller                       J McMasters

Ladywell Trophy                      J Kincaid                      D McMasters

Seniors                                       R Hutchison                  J Ramage

Novice                                       J Paterson                    B Kenny

Gents League                           N McIntyre                  R Paterson

Ladies League                          M Hutton                     J Paterson

Junior Championship             B Martin                       A Kelly

Peggy Kelly Handicap           A McFadzean              I Hearton

Gents Nominated Pairs         R Hutchison                  A Kelly

                                                  A McFadzean              S Waugh

Gents Drawn Pairs                 B Martin                       T Crawford

                                                  A Kelly                        D McMasters

Two Bowl Pairs                       A Kelly                        T Crawford

                                                  J Ramage                     D McMasters

Junior League                         C Smith                        C Campbell

Tom Henderson Trophy       J Kincaid                      M Hodge

                                                 C Kincaid                     T Crawford

Bonnie Trophy                      R McCulloch                M Hearton

                                                 J Ramage                     I Hearton

Gents Triples                          C Kincaid                     S Waugh

                                                D Harvey                     I Hearton

                                                R Hutchison                  J Ramage

Gents Fours                            A Kelly                        T Crawford

                                                C Kincaid                     J Campbell

                                                D Harvey                     N McIntyre

                                                R Hutchison                  A McFadzean

Ladies Pairs                            J Kincaid                      W McCulloch

                                                M Miller                       R McCulloch

Ladies Triples                         R McCulloch                M Hodge

                                                W McCulloch               M Hutton

                                                M Miller                       B McJanet

Ladies Fours                          M Hodge                     H Hunter

                                                M Hutton                     J Paterson

                                                A McIntyre                  R McCulloch

                                                M Miller                       J Kincaid

Kildoon Mixed Pairs              C Kincaid                     A Kelly

                                                S Crawford                  M hearton

Wellpark Trophy                   A Kelly                        J McMasters

Crawford Salver                      J McMasters                A McIntyre

                                                 D McMasters               J Campbell

McKissock Rosebowl            R Hutchison                  D McMasters

                                                J McMasters                R McCulloch

J Jamieson Trophy                    J McMasters                R Hutchison

Provost Shield                          C Kincaid                     J Paterson

                                                J Kincaid                      R Paterson

Clark Stephen Trophy            A Kelly                        C Kincaid

Ladies Day President’s Cup  M Hutton                     J Paterson

                                                    J Kincaid                      R McCulloch

John Mackie Trophy               G Kelly                        A Kelly

                                                    J Ramage                     R Hutchison

November 19th 2004

Maybole remembered its war dead with two services last week. On Thursday November 11 at 11am there was the traditional two minutes silence during a service led by Rev Arrick Wilkinson. This service was attended by the Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland and several other local organisations and all schools. On Remembrance Sunday, November 14, there was an ecumenical church service in the West church building led by Rev Douglas Moore. The service began at 10am with Robert Malone and William Milligan carried the colours of the Royal British Legion Scotland and the Union Flag into the church to be received by the minister. Following the church service Maybole Pipe Band led the parade to the war memorial where at 11am there was the traditional two minute silence during a service led by Fr Jim Hayes and Rev Moore. Pipe Major Gavin Nicol, of Maybole Pipe Band, played the lament and Jim Campbell of the RBLS recited Binyon's Lines". Wreaths were laid by the local branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, the Women’s Section of the branch, South Ayrshire Councillor Andy Hill, Maybole Community Council, Families and Friends, Effort for Erskine, Maybole Town Twinning Association, Maybole Council of Churches, Boys Brigade, Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies, Carrick Academy, Masonic Lodges, Apprentice Boys of Derry, Carrick Round Table and members of the local Fire Brigade. Afterwards the pipe band led the parade for the "march past" taken by councillors and clergy.


Three year olds at Gardenrose Nursery wished everyone Happy Divali last week when they celebrated the Indian Festival of Light. The children made diva lamps, had an Indian snack and learned some Indian dancing.


Parishioners of St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole were surprised to hear at the weekend that their popular priest Fr Jim Hayes would be leaving them and even more surprised to hear that this coming weekend will be his last in the parish. Fr Jim, 39, arrived in Maybole in September 1998 after spending two years as assistant at St Andrew’s, Dumfries. Before that he had been with the Sacred Heart Fathers for nine years. He was ordained by Bishop Taylor on September 16, 1993, in St John Ogilvie’s, Irvine, his home town. He is moving to look after two parishes in Saltcoats as part of widespread changes being made by Bishop John Cunningham in the Diocese of Galloway. Fr Jim will also be chaplain to the new secondary school being built in the area.

Succeeding him in Maybole will be Fr Stephen McGrattan who was ordained a priest in St. Peter's, Ardrossan, in 6th July, 2003. He is the assistant at St Paul’s in Ayr and spent six years in the Royal Scots College, Salamanca. He was also a student of the Pontifical University in the same city. In addition to his academic and linguistic abilities, Fr Stephen is gifted musically and was organist at important liturgical occasions in Salamanca Cathedral and in the University church

Last week two members of the Tackety Bit Club went to Kinlochleven where they climbed Garbh Bheinn on what was a good warm day with great views especially of the back of the Aonach Eagach. The next day they started from the Kingshouse Hotel and went onto Beinn a Chrulaiste. It started off sunny but turned to heavy hail and snow on the summit but again they had some great views of the weather moving across the Glen Coe hills. Another member went to the Himalaya on a expedition trek to climb Mera Peak at a height of 6476mtrs. After thirteen days trekking in to get acclimatised for the height, the climb to the high camp and then to the summit was done in sunny clear weather giving a view of five 8000mtrs peaks, - Everest, Lhotse, Lhotse Shar, Kangchenjunga and Cho-Oyu – on what was an excellent trip.


Carrick Chess Club has now played two rounds in the Ayrshire league’s 2nd division. The first match was won by Largs 4 - 2. Siegrun Macgilchrist, Stuart Lampard, Charlie Roy and Athol Macgilchrist lost on boards 1 -4’ Alastair Muirhead and Ali Roy won on boards 5 and 6. The second match against Ayr was a draw, each team winning 3 games: Siegrun Macgilchrist 0 -1 Graham Wilson; Dr. Kenneth Brooksbank 0 - 1 S. Hamilton; Steell MacFadzean 1 - 0 Jim Sands; Stuart Lampard 0 - 1 T. V. Melrose; Alastair Muirhead 1 - 0 Ian Gardiner; Ali Roy 1 - 0 Vincent Tedeschi.  Both of the club’s youngsters did well to win both of their games and this was Ali's first venture into league games.  In the match against Ayr, everyone was finished with their games except for Ali (9) and Vincent. All the players watched the endgame as Ali skilfully converted a pawn into a queen with the help of her king and knight. When Vincent resigned, she received a standing ovation! Ali also did well in two recent junior competitions in Glasgow. A week past on Saturday she got 5/6 and won the first prize trophy. On the Sunday, she shared first prize with 5.5/6. She received a trophy for best overall girl, including the secondary section.


Community Education Service & Workers’ Educational Association have arranged a course on Committee Skills Training for Sunday 28th November 2004 in the Carnegie Building, Maybole from 10.00am—4.00pm. Childcare can be made available subject to demand and the course is FREE.


This course is aimed at:


groups and organisations who want to have better meetings, where people can get a fair say and where discussions take place in  an organised and reasonable manner.


Individuals who may have served on a committee for some time but are unsure if they would be able to take on more    responsibility.

Individuals who have never been involved, but if given knowledge and confidence, would be interested in participating and contributing to an established or new group.


The course will cover the following areas:


What are committees for?

Roles of the Chairperson and Secretary

Roles of Treasurer and Committee Members


ANOTHER KENNEDY VISITS THE CASTLE Although Maybole castle is not officially open again to visitors until the spring, Maybole Historical Society is continuing to average a couple of groups a week who ask for a special tour. Members are more than happy to provide these if they can possibly manage it and on Friday 29th October they had a visit from Susan and Peter Kennedy from Glasgow. Susan has traced her ancestry way back through the Kennedys of Cassillis and Culzean to Duncan Strathern (born around 800).


Dave Killicoat, vice chairman of the Society said, “Susan was kind enough to leave a copy of her research with Eleanor Jamieson in the resource centre, who organised the visit. She also left a transcription done by Peter and her of a Latin document in the Mitchell Library in Glasgow and showing the descendants of Gilbert Kennedy of Dunure over nine generations as far as John Kennedy who died in 1615 at Greenwich “without heirs”. He added, “Susan was very knowledgeable about the overall history of the Kennedys as well as her own family history, however she and Peter still enjoyed their tour and found new information as well as learning much more about the history of Maybole.”


The Society’s next meeting on takes the form of a St Andrews Night on Monday 6th December at 7 pm for 7.30 pm in Drumellan House, by Maybole. A welcome glass will be followed by a supper of real Scottish stovies (meat or vegetarian) or shepherds pie, cheese and oatcakes with a glass of wine or soft drinks and then traditional Scottish entertainment provided by members of the Society and special guests.


The programme for 2005 is:

Monday 6th February – John Steel – The HMS Dasher Disaster.

Monday 7th March – Dave Killicoat – “Registration - Finding the Whole Story.” A complete look at the history of registration in the year celebrating the 150th anniversary of the introduction of official registration in Scotland.

Monday 4th April – Kevin Wilbraham/Christine Lodge, Ayrshire Archives – “The Archives in the Castle.” Details of the Culzean & Cassillis Estate archives collection in Maybole Castle, its condition and future preservation.

Monday 9th May – Tony Collins – “What did you do in the war Dad?” The untold story of The Sparrows (H.M.R.N. Patrol Service).


Maybole Golf Club Gents Section prizewinners.


Club captain Ricky Scott congratulated club champion Scott McCahill at the annual presentation dance last Saturday evening and presented him with the J Faulds Trophy. Runner up in the scratch competition was K Ward and the winner of the handicap competition was G McCulloch.


Other awards were:


Season opening                            P Ferguson, J Porter

Monthly Medal April                  P Ferguson

President’s Cup                           B Taylor

Dulux Cup                                    A McDowall Snr

Monthly Medal May                 J McGragor

James Gray Trophy                    M Thomson

Captain’s Prize                            K Ward

Cassillis Cup                               M Thomson

Monthly Medal June                 A Campbell

Lifeboat Association Medal     A Campbell

Monthly Medal July                  G McCulloch

Callaghan Cup                            A McDowall Jnr

Vice captain’s prize                  J porter

Europcar Shield                        G McCulloch

Monthly Medal August          G McCulloch

McCulloch Cup                        A McDowall Snr

2 ball foursomes                       G McCulloch, J Porter

McQuiston Cup (Medal winners) A Campbell

Crossraguel Cup (scratch)        A McDowall Jnr

Ranch Cup (handicap)             A McDowall Snr

Merchants Cup (winner)           R Eccles

                         (runner up)       A McDowall Jnr

Ramsay Cup                             G McCulloch

Olquhoun Cup (winner)            R Eccles and K McKeown

                        (runners up)      A Ferguson and C Harvey


The Scottish winners of the 2004 National Training Awards were announced at a ceremony in Glasgow on November 11. There were three levels of awards on the night:

  • Highly Commended rewarded those finalists who have shown great potential and have demonstrated a dedication to excellence through training;

  • Scottish Training Awards went to those organisations who were judged to be exceptional in Scotland; and

  • National Training Awards went to those organisations who were judged to be exceptional in the UK. The winners of the National Training Awards will go on to participate in a UK-wide celebration in London later this year.

The award to May-Tag was for its Maybole Access Point project and Christine Kennedy told us about the big night out for herself and Cathie Barr. “Both MAP staff attended the National Training Awards which was an Oscar style ceremony. We were met at the door with a small bottle of champagne with a straw in it !!!!! and due to stiletto heels it was deemed advisable not to drink too much of that.


We were congratulated on being there and told that there had been 70 entrants from Ayrshire and only two companies had been successful. We were then fed and watered but the best bit of all was when they described our project to the audience and TV presenter Katy Hill asked us to join her on stage to collect our award.


Each award winner had a different song played as they walked up to the stage and MAP was described as a wonderful project and our song was “What a wonderful world”. The project was recognised for using training as its core tool in creating employability towards ending poverty and exclusion.” With dignity intact ie by not falling off heels and not crying the award was accepted by both staff.

November 12th 2004

This year’s Remembrance services in Maybole begin on Thursday November 11 at the Greenside at 11am. Everyone is welcome to attend this service which has being growing in the numbers that attend over the few years since it started. Remembrance Sunday is November 14 and there is a united service at the West Church beginning at 10am and after the service Maybole Pipe Band will lead the town’s organisations to the war memorial for the traditional silence and laying of wreaths.

The November meeting of Maybole Historical Society was addressed by Marion Stewart, the Dumfries and Galloway archivist. In a witty and highly informative talk, she trawled through the archives of Dumfries and Galloway, selecting incidents that were sometimes amusing, often tragic but always fascinating. The records dated only from the 15th century, as previous accounts had been largely destroyed by the constant warfare that had engulfed the area prior to that. In his vote of thanks, Murray Cook remarked that the speaker had illustrated that the popular yen for the “good old days” was misplaced – human nature had not changed but in the past life was much harsher. He warmly thanked the Speaker for a hugely informative lecture, and expressed the members’ appreciation of the five hours driving involved on her part

Alan Martin, chairman of Maybole and District Business Association, has written to all local businesses inviting them to join or renew their membership. In his letter, he wrote, “The group exists for a number of reasons but is primarily in existence to ensure the voice of local business is heard when it should be and local business are given access to any and all resources available to enable them to grow and continue to support the community by continuing to generate the employment and wealth that sustains the local economy."

He added, “We have set our membership this year at the nominal sum of £5 that will enable the small administrative costs of the association to be covered so we can continue to communicate to all local business, member or not, to offer them the chance to participate in the group’s activities. We plan to undertake many activities throughout the year that you may, or may not, find useful to your business, however we are very keen to hear from anybody with ideas or projects that the association should be active in.”

Alan says, “We a need a strong membership to get our say in issues locally and to get the best from bringing us all together in meetings!” He has invited all local businesses to the Association’s next meeting on Tuesday November 23 at 7.30pm in the Weltrees Inn. At this meeting he hopes to be able to discuss work to date with the Maybole Bypass Action Committee and a joint project with the Maybole Resource Centre on some I.T. training for the Association’s membership.

Pupils at Gardenrose Primary School took part in a sponsored marathon on Monday to raise money for school funds. Nursery children were raising money for their funds, too. Even the staff got into the act.

Members of Maybole OAP Association will be making a trip to the Gaiety this year to see the pantomime “Snow White” on Wednesday December 1. The cost is £5 which includes transport and names of those who would like to go will be taken at the Town Hall on November 17 from 11am to 12 noon.

Alex Lothian, President of Carrick & District Homing Society told members that the past year had in many ways been a good one but there had been difficulties over problems with birds of prey. His special guest at the annual prize dance was Alex Neil MSP who chaired a working group which oversaw a study into the problem. Mr Lothian, “We have been working to try to eradicate the problem of birds of prey. Every member of this club has suffered as we have watched our pigeons murdered. Every part of Maybole is affected now.” He went on, “Part of the problem is that pigeon racing is classed by the government as a hobby, not a sport. Horse racing is a sport, lots of activities are sports – even synchronised swimming is a sport but pigeon racing is a hobby.”

“A lot of money has been spent on replacing birds and it is now beyond a joke. Because of problems like this we are finding it difficult to attract and keep members. I will sum up in a few words – it’s not fair.” Alex Neil said that he and others were trying to get fairness and justice for pigeon fanciers. “Contrary to expectations,” he commented, “peregrines and sparrow hawks are substantially increasing.” He added that before the 1981 Act there was not a major problem for pigeons but these birds of prey had been allowed to multiply and they saw racing pigeons as one of the main sources of food. This had been denied by the RSPB.

“Racing pigeons is a working class sport,” the MSP said, “and perhaps if there were more aristocrats involved we might get more change.” He said that some measure put forward in the Scottish Parliament had been voted down. There had been one small concession with regard to licences and Mr Neil encouraged all fanciers to apply for one which would at least let the Scottish Executive realise the size of the problem. “It would be helpful if everyone also spoke with one, united voice,” he added. “If this problem is not tackled soon, you won’t be able to afford to keep and race pigeons.” He assured them, “You do have friends, we will fight to get a fair deal for you.”

November 5th 2004

A new drop-in facility for young people in North Carrick was opened in Maybole on Monday November 1 by Mrs Isabel Johnstone, depute head teacher of Carrick Academy. Based in the ‘Over The Rainbow’ premises in the School Vennel the new facility will be open on Mondays during lunch breaks from 12.50 – 13.30.

Mrs Johnstone said the drop-in was another example of the fantastic collaboration between Carrick Academy and community agencies and she was very grateful to everyone who had helped to set it up and would staff it on a rotational basis. She thanked everyone for their very generous help and then declared the facility well and truly open. School nurse Sina Currie then presented a £10 music voucher donated by Maybole Youth Club to S3 pupil Chelsea Henderson who had won the competition to design a poster for the project.

Local young people will now have a confidential and accessible resource where they can get advice, information and support on a variety of issues such as diet, exercise, healthy lifestyles, sexual health, drugs/alcohol, stress, anti social behaviour, crime, careers, and community safety. The background for the drop-in comes from the results of a survey conducted with S3 pupils at Carrick Academy, which highlighted that young people wanted somewhere locally where they can access confidential information and advice on a variety of subjects. These results matched the Ayrshire and Arran Young Peoples survey in 2002.

A priority with the drop-in will be to ensure that young people only receive information and advice from appropriately qualified staff. School Nurse, Sina Currie, will attend every session with support on a rotational basis from; Karen Walker, Integrated Community Schools Development Worker; Carol George, Community Education Worker; and Chris Griffin, Youth Support Worker. The initiative is also supported by local GPs. Young people and parents will be encouraged to participate in the management and development of the resource. For further information about this initiative or if you are interested in joining the management group please contact- Sina Currie (01655) 884344, Karen Walker (01655) 882389, or Carol George (01655) 882105.

This years Carrick Speakers Golf Club presentation of trophies was held in the Carrick Sports Club on Saturday 30th October and trophies were presented by Maria Newlands, wife of club captain Les Newlands. Some very fine performances throughout the year were reflected in the number of multiple trophy winners, especially Bert Jardine who picked up four individual trophies, most notably winning the Handicap section of the club championship.

The Scratch champion for 2004 is Weir McCulloch who has been enjoying some of his best form for years and also picked up another "Major" in the form of the Medal Winners Trophy. Les Newlands thanked all committee members and office bearers for their hard work during the year without which the club could not run as smoothly as it does. He also thanked William and Lynne from the Carrick Sports Club for their assistance with organisation and catering.

Other trophies presented on the evening :

Hallowe'en Trophy       Bert Jardine

New Year Variety        David McBride

2 Ball Foursomes          Bert Jardine/Jim McMillan

Medal Matchsome        David McBride/Les Newlands

Cair'n Trophy               Bert Jardine

Harvey Robertson 5 Club         David McBride

Captain's Prize              Hugh McKay

Anniversary Trophy      Hugh Mc Kay

Crawford Memorial Trophy      Billy Taylor

Texas Scramble            Les Newlands/Martin Hoggitt/Steven Johnston/Tom Rae

An enthusiastic group of parents have joined together to form a new Parent Teacher Association at Carrick Academy. At their very first meeting they decided to help the school to buy new football and rugby strips and recently they held a sponsored event involving pupils from S1 and S2. The children were all very enthusiastic and took part in a variety of exercise sessions including step aerobics, running, jogging and walking. This very successful event could not have taken place without the tremendous support from parents and all staff in the PE department, so much so that many pupils have asked if they could do this every Friday!

The Association would like to thank all the parents who helped out on the day and to all who kindly sponsored the young people. The feeling is that a Parent Teachers Association is a great way to bring interested people together to support the school as it provides an opportunity for everyone to work together and is open to all parents/carers, teachers and interested parties of pupils from S1-S6. The new association have decided to hold their first Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 16th November at 7pm in the staff room at Carrick Academy. If you would like more information about the association, please contact Karen Walker at Carrick Academy (01655 882389)

There will be no fireworks display in Maybole this as the Community Association is unable to continue its operations yet due to lack of interest. At its AGM not enough people attended so no office bearers could be elected and the Association is limping along at the moment. The only event that will definitely take place is the pantomime “Robin Hood” which is planned for Friday December 10 in the Town Hall. This will go ahead as it was booked last December. There will be no Christmas Bazaar but instead Santa will appear this year in the charity shop on Saturday December 11 from 10am to 1pm. Alex Kelly of Maybole Community Council tells us that the switch on of Maybole’s Christmas lights is planned for Friday November 26. In the past the Community Association has organised a family disco after the switch on but they will not be running the disco this year. Anyone who would be interested in running this is asked to contact Association chairman Susan Whiteman on 01655 889456.

Maybole & District Committee for Cancer Research wish to thank everyone who supported their coffee morning, in Maybole Town Hall, on Sat.30th.Oct. The magnificent sum of £2,615.38 was raised and this will be forwarded to be used in research.