April 20th and 27th, 2001
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Week of April 27th 2001  

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New church planned in Maybole. The two Church of Scotland congregations in Maybole have voted to unite. And they are seeking finance to build a brand new church in the centre of the town. The Rev Dave Whiteman of Old Church said: "There's a real vision for this."

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American visitor Rich is Maybole's last Citizen of the Year. Rich Pettit travelled from Clearwater in Florida to help May-Tag Ltd promote its very successful IT project ...and ended up Maybole's Citizen of the Year! The training company uses the local web site www.maybole.org to encourage people to access the site and to contribute photographs, memories ...

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Well Ton, Andrew You've Won £100. Andrew McClure has logged on to a super prize! He is winner of the  £100 offered in a Maybole computer survey.

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Vikki Pipes up As Drummer. The youngest member of Maybole Pipe Band is 14-year-old Vikki Boughen, who is also the newest recruit. Tenor drummer Vikki was with the band at Culzean Castle recently, and met Rich Pettit...

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Jet-Set Band a Hit in Germany Again. Members of Maybole Pipe Band altered their travelling arrangements for this year's trip to Germany...

Week of  April 20th, 2001


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Rich checks out his website in the sunshine. The sun was out on Sunday to welcome Rich and his son Nick... maybolepipeband.jpg (69464 bytes) First though, it was off to Culzean Castle, where Maybole Pipe Band was playing.

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Maybole Ladies Golf Club started their season... Places left for the Speakers' Open.

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President Dorothy McGarrie threw the jack that launched a new season at Maybole Bowling Club.

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Competitions at Maybole Golf Club will be contested at weekends this season, instead of Monday evenings.

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School Group Needs Helpers to Stay Alive. Carrick Academy Association desperately needs new members ...

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Nell at 90 - still busy, happy and singing. Well-Known Maybole lady Mrs Nell Samson celebrated her 90th birthday ...

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Family members gather round Nell Samson to wish her 'happy birthday' at her party in Maybole.

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John Takes Chair at Business Group. Maybole and District's new Business Association and committee held its first meeting last week ...

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Pupils make multi-unit top priority. Pupils of two Maybole schools have helped choose the equipment for a £30,000 play-park in the town.

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Shop aims to draw a crowd. Maybole's charity shop will be bursting at the seams ...

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LOOKING BACK: 100 YEARS AGO: Many people in Ayrshire will learn with deep regret of the death of Mr. David Templeton