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The Archaeology Data Service has a searchable catalog of items of archaeological interest. Entering a search using the keyword Maybole found 250 items. Another catalog at the National Monuments site requires registration and a user password. Entering a search using the keyword Maybole found the 16 items listed in the table below. More details for these items are available on the sites above but some are included here as examples only of what type of information is provided.

. Maybole Socketed, Bronze Axe NS20NE 2 Maybole South Ayrshire  
. Maybole Food Vessel NS20NE 4 Maybole South Ayrshire  
40830 Crossraguel Abbey Religion/ Abbey NS20NE 7 Kirkoswald South Ayrshire Scheduled
40815 Maybole : Alternative(s): Masonedew Hospital NS20NE 14 Maybole South Ayrshire  
. Maybole, School Vennel Trial Excavation NS20NE 30 Maybole South Ayrshire  
40951 Craigskean House NS21SE 2 Maybole South Ayrshire  
. Garryhorn House NS21SE 4 Maybole South Ayrshire  
. Beoch House NS21SE 5 Maybole South Ayrshire  
40942 St.Anthony's Well, Maybole Parish Well NS21SE 11 Maybole South Ayrshire  
41509 Maybole, High Street, Tolbooth Administration/ Town Hall; Tolbooth NS30NW 1 Maybole South Ayrshire Listed
41537 Maybole, St Cuthbert's Church Church; Graveyard; Font NS30NW 7 Maybole South Ayrshire  
. 'stone Park', Cunning Park Drive, Belleisle Stone NS31NW 7 Ayr South Ayrshire  
. Maybole, Lyonston Standing Stone NS31SW 8 Maybole South Ayrshire Scheduled
. St Murray Barrow (Possible) NS31SW 9 Maybole South Ayrshire  
41650 Maybole Castle Tower-House NS31SW 12 Maybole South Ayrshire  
. St Murray, St Muireach's Chapel Chapel NS31SW 13 Maybole South Ayrshire